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Profession suitable for:
Profession suitable for:
Career changerProfessionalsRentnerPhysical limitations
Profession suitable for:
Career changerProfessionalsRentnerPhysical limitations
Profession suitable for:
PupilsCareer changerProfessionalsRentner
Profession suitable for:
ProfessionalsRentnerPhysical limitations
Profession suitable for:
Career changerProfessionalsRentner
Profession suitable for:
Profession suitable for:
Profession suitable for:
Career changerProfessionalsRentner
Profession suitable for:
Career changerProfessionalsRentnerPhysical limitations
Profession suitable for:
Profession suitable for:
Career changerProfessionalsRentner
Profession suitable for:
Profession suitable for:
Profession suitable for:
ProfessionalsRentnerPhysical limitations


Profession suitable for
Career changerProfessionalsRentnerPhysical limitations

Usual exercise of the profession
In the officeIn the salesroomIn the fieldIn the warehouseOptional Home Office

Recommended driving licenses
none required

What is a wholesale clerk??

A wholesale clerk is responsible for buying and selling goods in the wholesale trade. These professionals usually work in the B2B (business-to-business) sector, which means that they do business with other companies and not directly with end consumers.

The main tasks include managing customer relationships, negotiating with suppliers and processing orders. Wholesale clerks must carry out market analyses in order to optimally place offers and increase sales.

They also ensure efficient warehousing and logistics to ensure a smooth flow of goods. Knowledge of merchandise management systems and an understanding of business processes are essential for this profession.

Management position
not usual

Professional specializations:

  • Wholesale merchant in the building materials sector
  • Wholesale clerk in the office supplies sector
  • Wholesale merchant in the electronics sector
  • Wholesale clerk in the vehicle parts sector
  • Wholesale merchant in the consumer goods sector
  • Wholesale merchant in the agricultural products sector
  • Wholesale clerk in the food sector
  • Wholesale clerk in the pharmaceutical sector
  • Wholesale merchant in the field of technology
  • Wholesale merchant in the textiles sector

What do you need to be able to do as a wholesale clerk?

Als Großhandelskaufmann/-frau sollte man über ausgeprägte kaufmännische Fähigkeiten verfügen. Dazu gehören analytisches Denken, Verhandlungsgeschick und ein gutes Zahlenverständnis. Kommunikationsstärke und Kundenorientierung sind ebenso wichtig, da der Beruf häufig den direkten Kontakt mit Geschäftskunden erfordert.

Organisationstalent und eine selbstständige Arbeitsweise sind für die Bewältigung des Tagesgeschäfts unerlässlich. Kenntnisse in der Anwendung von Warenwirtschaftssystemen und sicherer Umgang mit den gängigen Office-Anwendungen sind weitere wichtige Voraussetzungen.

Da die Arbeit auch internationale Geschäftskontakte umfassen kann, sind Fremdsprachenkenntnisse, insbesondere in Englisch, oft gefragt.

Advantageous skills and knowledge:

Order processingInventory controlPurchasingExport and import processingCommunication skillsCustomer adviceLagerlogistikSupplier managementMarketingNetwork maintenancePrice calculationProduct knowledgeQuality controlInvoicingSales analysisConducting negotiationsSales strategiesDistributionMerchandise management systemsPayment transactions

What does a typical working day as a wholesale clerk look like?

The typical day of a wholesale clerk often begins with checking stock levels and incoming orders. This is followed by communication with customers and suppliers to coordinate delivery times and negotiate terms.

A large part of the day is spent on commercial activities, such as preparing quotations, order processing, invoicing and monitoring incoming payments.

In addition, daily tasks may include dealing with customer inquiries, solving problems in the delivery process and conducting sales calls.

What do you earn as a wholesale clerk?

The income of a wholesale clerk can vary greatly depending on professional experience, qualifications and employer. In addition to a basic salary, performance-related components such as commissions or bonuses are often part of the salary package.

Income can increase accordingly with increasing professional experience and specialization in certain product groups or sectors. Management tasks or a position in higher management can also lead to higher earnings.

Regional differences and the size of the employer also play a role in salary prospects. Salaries can tend to be higher in large companies or in economically strong regions.

Average salary range
25,813 - 60,000 € Annual gross salary
corresponds to around € 2,151 - 5,000 gross per month
not usual

How do I become a wholesale clerk?

In order to work as a wholesale clerk, you generally need to have completed an apprenticeship in wholesale and foreign trade. In Germany, this dual apprenticeship typically lasts three years and combines practical experience in the training company with theoretical lessons at vocational school.

During the apprenticeship, trainees learn commercial basics, legal framework conditions, business management processes and how to deal with customers and suppliers.

After the apprenticeship, there are opportunities for further training, for example to become a wholesale specialist or to study business administration in order to improve career opportunities.

School-leaving certificate
min. Secondary school certificate required
Educational paths
  • Vocational academy
  • Vocational school
  • Dual education
  • Dual study program
  • School education

What further training opportunities and certifications are available for wholesale clerks?

Further training opportunities:

  • Foreign trade specialist
  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Business Administration
  • Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Handel
  • Business economist for wholesale and foreign trade
  • Specialist in purchasing and logistics
  • Foreign language correspondent
  • Commercial specialist
  • SAP courses
  • Supply chain management training
  • Sales Manager


  • Foreign trade and export control
  • Accountant
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
  • Specialist in retail sales
  • Certified commercial specialist
  • Management assistant in wholesale and foreign trade management
  • Lean Management Certification
  • SAP certifications
  • Certificate Wholesale Business Economist
  • Certified purchasing manager

Where can you find a job as a wholesale clerk?

Wholesale clerks find employment opportunities in a variety of industries and types of companies. These include, for example, wholesale companies in the food, building materials, technical products, textiles or electronics sectors.

They can also work in import and export companies, for manufacturers with their own sales department or in distribution logistics. Companies that specialize in online retail also offer jobs for wholesale clerks.

In addition, wholesale clerks can find employment in related professional fields such as sales, purchasing, marketing or supply chain optimization.

At ZNAPP you will find employers who are actively looking for wholesale clerks.

Register now and find a job as Großhandelskaufmann/-frau!

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